Saturday, December 11, 2010

Working hard or hardly workin' ?

 ^ Tired Ginelle stressing on how to prepare her part and > Monica being a fool.


Us helping Shilah prepare her slides for the very tight presentation due date.

Shilah and Justinne discussing how to effectively present their Poverty and Hunger information.

Us watching Ginelle work on her Gender Equality slides.

For your Information, I am the photographer of these masterpiece photos therefore I am not in any of these. However I did do lot's of work on this day. Remember when I said that the principal of St. Rose said we could come and do a presentation at their school? Well we have 1 week to finish it. Today Julie, Jessica, Ginelle, Shilah, Monica and Justinne came over to work the MDG presentation. YAY we're finally getting somewhere! So, Rizamel Ponce and I work on Universal Education, Justinne Soriano, Julie Do and Shilah Squires are working on Poverty and hunger, however the split up the work and now Julie is doing hunger and Justinne and Shliah are doing Poverty, Vanessa Dang is working on Combat HIV and Aids, Jessica Nidu and Monica Orozco are working on Child Health and last but not least, Ginelle Alontave is working on Gender Equality. I offered to do Environmental Sustanability, Global partnership and Maternal Health but everyone else in the group was totally against it therefore i couldn`t do it..... D: 
Well today we were planning to work, but we all got distracted and watched Vietnamese Harry Potter instead, Ginelle Alontave was working and since I only had one laptop, only one person could work anyway. Ginelle worked hard while we all waited patiently for her to finish. But if one were to watch us... we were hardly working and ginelle was working hard.  BUT we usually work quite a bit on fridays when we get to go to the computer lab. I finished 3 slides so far and everyone is about the same level. I learned many new things from the slides my peers had done. I learned that starbucks coffee employs ethiopian women to work for 3 cents for the amount of coffee beans we have to pay 30 bucks for. That's unfair and a RIP OFF. Julie said that on the presentation date, she'll advise everyone to stop drinking it. I also learned that women can be priced for marriage and men as old as 60 years pay families of girls aged 12 and then they HAVE to marry them since usually the maiden's family needs to money. GROOOSS Younger people than me get sold to 60 year olds DISGUSTING. seriously.
Anyways, back on to our presentation progress... after everyone left, I worked on it too. Today's monday and our presentation is in 4 days. we really have to get working and so I worked dilingently after everyone left.I finished 3 more slides therefore have a total of 6 slides of words. Now i just have to cut out the useless crap and take away all the words and keep just photos. Because I myself hate reading off slides. I found out that the human body is supposed to live up to 190 years, we all die early but then you see how developing country people die usually at the age of 30 and majority at birth. They die earlier than we thought and they die supeeeeeeer early now that we know this fact. I'm not really sure how to incorporate this interesting fact with my mdg except that without education, you can't support your family and yourself and so you can't feed yourself and you contract aids because you never knew it was incurable resulting in the case where you then die early. 

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