On this beautiful Sunday morning, I went to volunteer at the drop-in center with the school. I didn’t listen to most of the talking therefore went to the mustard seed drop-out donations by accident. There were two mustard seed centers and so I recalled Mr. Alger saying something about dropbox’s and I picked the center that said ‘ Mustard Seed Drop Out Donation center’. “Close enough” I said to myself. I went in and the people greeted me happily and asked if I was there for lunch. Hmm, they asked me if I CAME TO THE MUSTARD SEED FOR LUNCH. Yeah boost on my self esteem. Did I look like a hobo? I sure hope not -____-“ Anyway, I followed her to her office and I told them about me coming to serve food. They looked confused and asked me if I was the owner of the restaurant who donated the food. I was suuppppper confused. Then I talked about Father Lacombe and they were super confused. Anyways, after a lot of explaining and calling, I realized I was in the wrong place. I was supposed to be at a Calgary drop-in center. So the people gave me an address and I went to some place called ‘Calgary drop-in and Rehab center’. Anyway, I saw Keyva and Latoya who were also too scared to go in so we went together and then we went upstairs and met everyone.
So much people came that Ms. Ponce had to leave because she didn’t expect so many of us to show up. My first experience volunteering at a homeless shelter. I wanted to serve food, but I came too late, so I had the duty of a bus person. A bus person is one who collects the kitchenware after they are done eating. I had to wait awhile because people were still serving food when I arrived. I chilled out with autumn and rizamel ponce and jamal. After, when we got to work, me and rizamel worked together. The pople were… interesting. There were some weridos and some people who looked like they didn’t even belong there. This one guy had branded EVERYTHING. His shoes were the new high tops nike thhhat my brother wanted very much but my mom said too expensive, and he was wearing dolce glasses. It was werid. I enjoyed my time volunteering. What was nice was when we were leaving, the people clapped for us. It surprised me. Some people I still remember, like that guy who didn’t even touch his food and he put it in our bucket.

The first photo: Is the rehab center that i was SUPPOSED to go to, the second photo: what I want to be doing, the third: is the mustard seed drop-out donations that I went to, fourth: is what I want to do and how if we told and got everyone these opportunities more regularly we could get more people excited about these kinds of things. Since most people including me, liked their first experience volunteering and would jump at another chance or be interested in doing this again but don't know how to get a chance again, then everyone would volunteer if they could and we would all make the world a caring and sharing place, where everyone is fair and everyone has a chance to have what they require for living. The world would be at least a little bit more happier than it is now.
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