Saturday, December 11, 2010


Shakespeare, credited to be the father of modern English and one of the most famous play writers ever to roam the earth. I read like the first couple of pages and I am confused greatly. I do not understand anything. He's known for the legacy that he created in the 1500′s. Every to date would probably know the famous plays of Othello, Hamlet, and of course Romeo and Juliet. These plays that have been watched and read for the past 500 years are something that people can look back onto to discover great plays that were once played for royalty. All these plays are something that can be known as a legacy that changed the world on what we see play writing as today.

1st: Re-make of Romeo & Juliet. Leo <3 2nd: Remake of the taming of the shrew 3rd: Hamlet, VERY famous play. Re-make dvd cover 4th: A photo of Shakespear 5th: Macbeth. VERY famous as well. Many legends of death around it. 6th: Othello ~ I've never heard of this play before. EVER.
When Mr. Sauer described that this play was going to be tough, I was like 'naaaaawh, i gots dis'. I wanted to read Romeo and Juliet! NO FAIR D: We have to read Othello D': Sauer'll make me cry. My first judgement was that this book was going to be amazingly boring. And it was pretty okay. It was interesting. The little short summary on the left of very page saved my butt because the way Shakespeare writes is very hard to analyze. When we started it in class it was very hard to understand the concept and language of the play hence the fact that it was written in the 1500′s.
 Shakespeare's writing style was probably more easier to understand for people who existed during the times of the Renaissance because it differed greatly from the 21st century. Reading the first act, i thought the play was rather more interesting since Mr. Sauer had explained what important parts of the play and also he interpreted lets say Shakespeare language to the modern English language we use today.  We've only been through 2 acts of the book and they have been great but notas great as Mr. Sauer described. I really have different taste than him. Sorry Mr. Sauer D: I think you have horrible taste in books/plays. Although it has only been 2 acts, I feel bored reading it. I hope that this play would be more intriguing.
The characters in the play: Othello, Iago, Desdemona, Barbantio, Roderigo , and Michael Cassio. I just named the more participated  characters in the play so far. I can tell you about the personality that comes with each character, using the info I've read about it so far. Firstly, Othello, a gentlemen, can be smart and persuasive at the same time and he is a general so he gives others commands and duties. Iago, seeking revenge on Othello for not promoting him so he has a high temper but can control it and be smart and fool others. Desdemona, the wife of Othello and she hasn’t been a huge part of the play but I can tell she is too fond of Iago, then Barbantio who is the father of Desdemona and is probably the top dog, He's kinda like Othello's boss and practically the man that you do not question. Then there's Roderigo, in love with Desdemona however she doesn’t love him back, and lastly Michael Cassio, he was recruited by Othello over Iago. That's all I know for now! See you next time~

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