"No Education, No success" & "Education is not a preparation of life, it is life itself"
These teens above were protesting the rights for education in developing countries.
I feel happy that people are trying to do something for this issue.
These are very true, how can children find sucess without education and how can they get somewhere in life. They can't get anywhere because they don't get a chance. The girl who's books got wrecked in a flood, and the boy who was born with aids, how can they create a success future for themselves if they can't learn. He couldn't have done anything stop it from happening. They were both helpless. That is why I picked this MDG, because I believe that this issue is so important. It can be used to change the world. It is key to all success. I believe it can solve anything. Now all these children can depend on is us. We as a community can help all these kids. If the richer world could just help those unfortunate... then the world would be so much happier.

The left is the world pie chart of people with aids. The center in the percentage of people with aids in each region of Africa. The right is the result of the population having aids. The parents die because of aids and the children are left all alone, abandoned. Some with and some without aids themselves.
Mr. Alger said that if everyone in North American were to give a dollar to the African countries, their plate would be clean. Their debt would be gone. If everyone gave just a dollar. If you check my couch, I probably have $50 in change. I could easily give a dollar. But like Mr. Sauer said, it's not all easy to collect money for the countries. I wanted to have a bake sale but the authorities said I couldn't. The lunch ladies said I had to inform a week earlier. I couldn't do it anymore because no time was left, winter break was nearing D: Mr. Alger also told us that in many developing countries like Africa, people told the males that if the were to 'yenno yenno' with a virgin girl, then their aids would be gone. So a lot of males then went on to do their 'business' with a lot of girls and this went on and on for years. Soon a majority of the population got aids. Many people are dying because those selfish males raped some girls just to get rid of their aids. Frickin' heartless. We watched a sort of documentary in social and it was about this family with the father and mother having aids. The father couldn't do anything. He was helpless and so the wife had the assist him for everything. She had to feed the whole family. The family had quite a lot of children. The adult males of the family were useless. they couldn't do anything and the mother didn't have an appetite. She couldn't eat anything. Luckly the daughters weren't born with aids, but one of the daughters 'yenno yenno'ed and she had aids. There was one part in this documentary that showed how the people in the towns partied all night and this guy was talking about how he and his friends go party it up and later go 'yenno yenno' with some females and then he said
Why does it matter anymore? I'm slowly dying anyway.
SO DAMN SELFISH not notify the females first and then the female's offspring would get aids as well. If all the kids turned out like Ah Long, it would be sad. They wouldn't get to learn and they'd all be rejected by doctors would could help them and they'd be like leopards. Knowledge is the key to all success. With a high education, you can achieve anything. Everyone deserves a chance to learn & make a better life for themselves. Sadly, lotsa kids today grow up without this chance. With knowledge, we can make GOOD choices, and provide for ourself & our families. The two men in the documentary were useless, they were uneducated and got an incurable disease, I saw them as a burden for this family.
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