Joshua Dula posted up this quote on my Facebook group: Support Universal Education Please!! and I found it very intriguing. It made me think about it again and again. I was thinking long and hard about it and thought it meant that: 1. If you give someone food directly, you'll only feed him for how long that food lasts. Teaching him to get his own food for himself (teach him how to fish, etc) will make him able to feed himself for the rest of his life. 2. Free hand does nothing for a person but sustain what they immediately require. It doesn't help them overcome obstacles they're facing. Taking your time to teach them that they have the necessary tools to do the job then they're empowered to move forward in life. 3. If you teach someone, it'll help them forever instead of just helping them once. Giving someone something he needs, will make him temporarily satisfied, it's better to teach/give him the ability to get what he needs on his own. For an example: don't do someone's homework. Teach them the skills so that they'll know every time. 4. If you teach him how, he'd manage to be independent and support himself (for food, in this case) for his whole life. Confucius is the creator of this quote.
Another post on my Support Universal Education Please group is below here, just in case you've never checked my Facebook group for updates..... Education helps you strengthen your skills, learn your rights, and find your voice. Education is central to development. I can't stress how important it is. For everyone to have a more successful life, being educated it the best thing. We can lead our own lifes & be open to more opportunities if we're more educated. Being educated: * Lets us read, reason, communicate, and make good choices * We'll have more opportunities, earn more, and have a higher standard of living. * Each year of schooling up's a person's earnings by 10% * Skilled workers help a country develop and become richer, benefiting everyone! * A skilled labor force creates, applies and spreads new views, ideas and technology. Without education, electricity, medicine, cars, computers, video games, and much more wouldn't exist. OH MY! A LIFE WITHOUT CALL OF DUTY OR HARVEST MOON IS A LIFE OF GRIEF D: