The evil teachers have never picked a better week to bomb us with tests and worksheets. I'M SO STRESSED.
(October 18)
Today a teacher i’ve never seen before came to our social class (SORRY, i don’t remember her name). She is an aboriginal herself and she wanted to talk about the residential schools aboriginals were forced to attend. Pretty sad doesn't even cover it. It was horrible!!! I was so sad to hear what happened to kids aged 5-18. I read from my textbook in grade 8, that the aboriginals were forced to residential schools but hearing the details in person changed my whole view on the topic. They went through hard times and some were still in trauma even when they grew old. The textbook mentioned NOTHING about that!!!!! No offence , and i’m just speaking truthfully, but i didn’t have much respect for them because i thought they were sort of uncivilized, i thought that they drank alot, hence the term ‘drunken indian’ but hearing the facts straight up made me respect what they had to go through and they were very young as well. This made me look at aboriginals totally different and understand they had so much trouble. I wonder if other cultures are like this too. They state very little about the facts in textbooks so i've never seen or heard the reaility.
Mahatma Ghandi was a man from india who fought in a non violent way for the british to leave India. He’s so cool! He is non violent so he won’t fight back but i really think his wisdom is something in awe to me. You have to find the deeper meaning in his words. Ghandi stuck to his ways and did not retaliate to the fighting. He stayed true to his beliefs and tried to promote it among India. I find that very courageous. The british put them in a line and beat all of them. I really don’t think i could stand back and let someone hit me without beating the crap out of them first. Ghandi showed great perserverance when walking to the Indian ocean to get salt, he’s so inspiring and wise and I found him really interesting. We finished the Ghandi movie in social class. I hope the finish to real movie someday~
Today’s current events: The Chilean miners were free! They were rescued from a cave in!! That’s great. I never even knew there was a cave in, in the first place, current events is really just great. I’m very glad they were saved because i would want to be saved if i was in that position. They were underground for 69-70 days. Oh my gawd, i don’t think i could survived that. A day without candy is DEATH for me. At least a hole was drilled to transport food and movies to them. I wouldn’t mind if i had my dramas but i’m sooooo claustrophobic, i would’ve died. It’s funny how some man’s wife and mistress were waiting for him. That’d be such big drama. I would’ve divorced right away! HAHA no questions asked. He had that mistress for 10 years. Oh no! Anyway, the the important thing is that all of them survived!! YAY!!! And they made it out safely~
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