(October 4)

OH GOSH!!!!!! I CAN'T DECIDE ON ANYTHING ): So many choices, for which NGO I should decide on, what events I could do to raise more money and how to raise awareness effectively! Barefoot, Stillerstrong, UNICEF, GoInspireGo, World Wide Village, CCFCanada, and Worldvision. These are NGOs I found that intend to aid Haiti in rebuilding schools. World Wide Village began distributing 390 School-in-a-Box kits and 410 recreation kits in 10 rural regions where quake survivors are now living. Each kit provides 40 children with exercise books, pens, pencils and other learning materials. ‘GoInspireGo’ described that one of their efforts is building a middle school for Port-au-Prince residents seeking shelter in Grand-Saline. AHHHH! So much to choose from! Luckily, I already have 2 NGOs I’ve chosen to contribute to, Worldvision or CCFCanada. I notice these commercials on T.V a lot (: But the problem is ...these organizations help in whatever they can. I mean, it’s definitely not a problem but, I don’t think that their primary goal is building schools in Haiti. I want my fundraising money to contribute to that goal. I really think that Haiti needs the most help right now. I will require Mrs. Ponce’s help in choosing an organization.
Summary: `A Worldvision` commercial emphasizing the importance of our help toward the recent devastation in Haiti.
Another `Worldvision` commercial. The key parts are 2:19 – 2:38 and 3:30 -3:49.
I recall seeing a commercial about Haiti and how schools urgently need to be built, but I couldn't find it on 'Youtube' D:
I also remember watching a CCFCanada commercial not about Haiti but about their organization building schools in Africa with our future donations.
Updates on my book! I have decided solely on 'Three Cups of Tea'. I chose this because this book talks about how Greg Mortenson tried to build a school for girls in Afghanistan and the last i checked, i'm a girl! i might find out many interesting things and maybe relate! Plus, 'Stones over Schools' is the sequel to this novel so i should start at 1 before skipping to 2. The cover looks really interesting and I have no idea how the title connects to the goal he was trying to achieve. Anyway, I hope to have a lot of fun reading this book and discover new things (: I cannot find this novel in the school library so i will check the Calgary public library tomorrow if i am not busy.
These 2 songs which I`m sure you`ve heard of before, inform us about the situation in Haiti and what we could do to help. They tie in with Haiti perfectly!
Key lines:
- · Help Haiti rise from the rubble and rebuild
- We need to help Haiti out of the darkness so they can rebuild their country
- · please do more than just watch
- instead of just watching this tragedy on the news or hearing others talk about it, we should take action ourselves
- · Whatever you have, no matter how big or small, it all counts
- Whatever we can contribute, just do it! We should help in any way we can, it doesn’t need to be a huge donation
- · There are people dying and it’s time to lend a hand to life.
- People are dying in this world, while some are so secure and living in luxury. We who live in peace should help those in devastation.
- · We can’t go on, pretending day by day, that someone, somehow will soon make a change
- Instead of waiting for others to make a huge change, we ourselves can be those people.
- · We are all a part of God’s great big family and the truth, you know love is all we need
- We all live on earth and are one big family. All we need is love to live together in harmony.
- · Send them your heart, so they’ll know that someone cares so their cries for help will not be in vain.
- Let them know we care and hear them by taking action so they’ll have hope of recovery.
- · We can’t let them suffer, no we cannot turn away, right now they need a helping hand
- We can’t let them suffer alone. We need to help!
- · But if you just believe, there’s no way we can fall, let us realize, that a change can only come when we stand together as one.
- If we all have hope, we can do anything. We can go to greater heights when we work together as one.
- · When the floor breaks a magic carpet to stand on, we are the World united by love so strong
- They have us to lean on. We all are united by love
- · a guided light on the dark road your walking on, a sign post to find the dreams you thought was gone
- We can help them get back on their feet, we can be the light to their darkness
- · someone to help you move the obstacles you stumbled on
- we can all count on each other in tough times
- · someone to help you rebuild after the rubble’s gone, we are the World connected by a common bond
- We are all connected in one world so why not help each other?
- · Like Katrina, Africa, Indonesia and now Haiti needs us, they need us
- Hurricane Katrina and the children starving in Africa needed our help before and now Haiti became the next victim & need our help most.
Key lines:
- · When the media stops covering and there’s little help from the government we forget about the people still struggling
- When the media stops airing about Haiti, we might forget that there are still people out there who need us
- · We don’t have to wait for things to break apart, if we weren’t involved before it’s never too late to start
- We don’t just help when a huge disaster happens, we always need to help anyway. If we never helped Haiti when they were in trouble in the past, then we still can help even now
- · You probably think that it’s too far to even have the care, just take a look at where you live, what if it happened there? You have to know the urge to make a change lies within and we can be the reason that they see their flag rise again.
- We would want help too if were in their place. So we should help them now because this is a reality for them. We could help them have hope and help their country rebuild and prosper.
- · Out of the darkness in came the carnage threatening my very survival
- Their lives were at stake because of the devastation. It occurred out of nowhere and were unprepared. Living became even harder than it already was.
- · Fractured my streets and broke all my dreams, feels like defeat to wretched retreat
- Broken homes and broken dreams were resulted. They think they have no chance in life anymore and feel defeated.
- · So we strugglin’, fighting to eat and we wonderin’, if we’ll be free
- Struggling lives, no food, no necessities, wondering if they can recover now and rebuild their lives
- · This can’t control us, no it can’t hold us down
- They won’t let this devastation bring them down, they can stand back up & have faith.
- · But it's my home all I have known where i got grown, but now its gone
- This is their home and where they grew up but now it’s destroyed
- · all that we've been through and now there is more
- They have already been through so much problems and now this earthquake to top it all off
- · we gonna pick it up even though we still struggling
- they are still going to have hope even though they've lost everything
These videos visually explain how much Haiti is hurting now and how they desperately need our help.